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The Wanamaker Office Building


All occupancy groups and buildings required to have a fire safety and evacuation plan are required to prepare and maintain a Shelter in Place Plan based on Section F-409 of the Philadelphia Fire Code. Per Section F-409.5, a shelter in place drill shall also be conducted once annually for all occupancies required to have a fire safety and evacuation plan. It is also required by the Fire Department that a copy be given to all employees and tenants.

  1. This plan shall be placed into effect when notified by local, state, or federal officials that an outdoor hazardous materials or biological emergency exists.
  2. The Engineering staff is instructed to immediately shut down all air handling equipment (heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems).
  3. The Security staff will shut and lock the Juniper Street and P-2 Concourse entrance doors when first notified of the emergency. Security will also close and lock all loading dock doors.
  4. The Management Office will notify Macy's and LAZ Parking of the emergency situation and instruct its staff to shut and lock down all of its entrances.
  5. Notify tenants and building occupants via the public address system, phone calls, security staff etc. DO NOT LEAVE THE BUILDING. The following will be repeated over the public address system:

    "Attention Please, Attention Please. City Officials require that we Shelter-In-Place. Please proceed to your designated shelter location. Patrons and employees of the parking garage and department store are to proceed to the Eagle located in the middle of the store. Turn to radio station WHYY 91FM (or 90.9FM on digital) for more information and instructions. Do not leave the building and remain in your shelter area."

  6. Building occupants are to proceed to pre-determined Tenant provided shelter rooms or areas with as few windows, vents, and doors as possible. Building occupants are to shelter in place within each Tenant's space. Each Tenant will be responsible for supplying water for drinking purposes. Toilet facilities are located on each floor. Shelter rooms should also include battery-powered radios, first aid supplies, flashlights and batteries.
  7. Tenants are instructed to close all doors within the shelter room and with the exception of restroom facilities, restrict egress.
  8. Turn to radio station WHYY 91FM (or 90.9FM on digital) for information. Prior to a Shelter-In-Place, Tenants may register in advance with Ready PA at https://www.ready.pa.gov/Pages/Subscribe.aspx for updates via email or text message (standard text message rates for your wireless carrier may apply).
  9. "ALL CLEAR" ANNOUNCEMENT: Building staff, by way of the public address system, will direct all Tenants to either evacuate the building or to return to their work areas. The following shall be broadcast twice over the public address system:

EVACUATION: "Attention Please, Attention Please, This is the Security Command Center. Please proceed down the fire towers and report to your designated assembly points."


RETURN TO WORK: "Attention Please, Attention Please, This is the Security Command Center. Please return to your work area."

At the conclusion of an evacuation, management staff shall turn on heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems to exhaust any contaminants that may have infiltrated the building.
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